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Strengthening College Credit Plus can help more students

At a track meet, the runners take off when the starter pistol fires, not before. It’s just like in football – neither side can cross the line of scrimmage until the ball is snapped. If they do, it’s a five-yard penalty. Similar rules apply elsewhere, whether sports or taking a test in school. You can’t start early, or you’re breaking the rules.

Strengthening College Credit Plus can help more students

At a track meet, the runners take off when the starter pistol fires, not before. It’s just like in football – neither side can cross the line of scrimmage until the ball is snapped. If they do, it’s a five-yard penalty. Similar rules apply elsewhere, whether sports or taking a test in school. You can’t start early, or you’re breaking the rules.

An unwelcome visitor

When last heard, I was languishing with a broken left wrist, encased from knuckles to elbow with a smelly non removable cast. Freed at last, it has been replaced with a Velcro wrist cast, easily taken on and off. Praise be!

‘The loyal opposition’

To the editor,

Lowering costs for Ohio’s agricultural industry

Agriculture has long been the backbone of Ohio’s economy, but the last few years have been especially tough for farmers. High inflation coupled with a series of interest rate hikes have drastically increased the cost of doing business.

A welcome return


Training the next generation of nurses

Nurses work long hours to care for and keep patients safe. They dedicate their days and nights to providing high quality health care. And they have done all of this throughout the worst health crisis of our lifetimes, putting their own health at risk to provide care and comfort to their patients.

Fighting for older Ohioans

No matter their age, income or background, everyone deserves to age with dignity and retire safely and securely.

Launching the technologies of the future

This week, I visited the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland and met with NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, the Glenn leadership team and Ohio economic development leaders. We all agreed, there is no better place in the country to talk about new and emerging technologies than Ohio.