Hadlee Faye Singer


A girl, Hadlee Faye Singer, was born at 12:19 p.m. Aug. 2, 2015 at Clinton Memorial Hospital. The daughter of Noelle Elizabeth (Bean) Singer and Blake Ambrose Singer, she weighed six pounds, seven ounces and was 19 inches long.

Her maternal grandparents are Noel and Lori Bean of Sabina. Maternal great-grandparents are Bill and Charlotte Bean of Sabina and Olaf and Helene Dunn of Sabina.

Paternal grandparents are Mark and Diane Singer of Brookville, Indiana. Paternal great-grandparents are Jim and Faye Hofer of Brookville and Ambrose Singer and the late Carol Singer of Brookville.

Her big brothers are Hudson and Austin Singer.


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