School cafeteria a busy place


Participation is up so far for the Wilmington City Schools’ (WCS) third summer lunch program where all children 18 or younger receive lunch free of charge from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Lunches are served at the Wilmington Middle School cafeteria through Aug. 12 (except July 4). Children do not have to be enrolled in WCS or be on free or reduced meals to qualify. Meals must be consumed on-site, and adults can obtain lunch for $3. On Thursday, Sybella Supel, left, was the last of her sisters to finish lunch. Seated with her and waiting patiently from left are her mother April Acton, and sisters Cierra Calderon and Shalea Supel while sister Shania Supel is out of view putting away her plate and utensils.

Participation is up so far for the Wilmington City Schools’ (WCS) third summer lunch program where all children 18 or younger receive lunch free of charge from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Lunches are served at the Wilmington Middle School cafeteria through Aug. 12 (except July 4). Children do not have to be enrolled in WCS or be on free or reduced meals to qualify. Meals must be consumed on-site, and adults can obtain lunch for $3. On Thursday, Sybella Supel, left, was the last of her sisters to finish lunch. Seated with her and waiting patiently from left are her mother April Acton, and sisters Cierra Calderon and Shalea Supel while sister Shania Supel is out of view putting away her plate and utensils. is up so far for the Wilmington City Schools’ (WCS) third summer lunch program where all children 18 or younger receive lunch free of charge from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Lunches are served at the Wilmington Middle School cafeteria through Aug. 12 (except July 4). Children do not have to be enrolled in WCS or be on free or reduced meals to qualify. Meals must be consumed on-site, and adults can obtain lunch for $3. On Thursday, Sybella Supel, left, was the last of her sisters to finish lunch. Seated with her and waiting patiently from left are her mother April Acton, and sisters Cierra Calderon and Shalea Supel while sister Shania Supel is out of view putting away her plate and utensils.

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