Shelter housed 191, served 40K meals


WILMINGTON — The Clinton County Homeless Shelter Board held its annual meeting at 7:45 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 26 in the Community Commons Room.

Each year, the Shelter meets to elect its new board and officers. The meeting was called to order by 2016 Board President Billie Baker. Introductions of the new prospective officers were given by Mrs. Baker and Dan Mayo, Board Secretary. December minutes and financials were approved.

The Nominations Committee report was then given by Committee Chair Dan Mayo, who presented the proposed slate of board members. This slate included current board members Molly Dullea, Sandy Broderick, Todd Reed, Nancy McCormick, Randi Milburn and Dan Mayo.

In addition, three new members were included — Joy Brubaker, Pam George and Jonathan McKay. These three will begin a three-year term. The slate was unanimously approved.

Then the Officer slate was presented by Mayo. Officers for 2017 include Dan Mayo as President, Nancy McCormick as Vice President, Molly Dullea as Treasurer, Sandy Broderick as Secretary, Todd Reed as Assistant Secretary and Randi Milburn as Assistant Treasurer. This slate was unanimously approved. At this point, the meeting was turned over to new Board President, Dan Mayo.

Mayo called upon CCHS Director Denise Stryker to honor the three exiting board members for their service. Billie Baker was recognized with a framed picture display for nine years of service to the board including her role as Board Treasurer and President. Jeanne Smith, who was absent, was then recognized for her nine years of service to the board with a similar framed picture display. Both had served the maximum amount of time allowed by the by-laws, three consecutive three-year terms. Nikki Custis was then recognized with a similar picture display for her service to the board.

Mayo shared his appreciation for the service given by these three individuals.

“Billie and Jeanne have given heart and soul to the organization for nine years and they are an inspiration to all of u, said Mayo. “Billie has been instrumental in keeping the finances in order and helping the organization to grow its financial resources. Jeanne has contributed in so many ways including picking up food for the food distribution program, making of the auction items for the soup fundraisers and overseeing the personnel handbook development. Nikki has been a good addition to the Board and it is our hope that she will one day rejoin the board once her schedule permits.

“As these three depart from the board, we know they will be close by and still active in the activities of the Shelter. And our three new board members, Joy, Pam and Jonathan bring a lot of talent to the board coming from different segments of the community and all are demonstrated leaders.”

The next item of business was the Annual Report presented by Director Denise Stryker. The Annual Report reviewed the great work of the Shelter, its staff and the remarkable work of many volunteers in the community whose work is greatly appreciated. Stryker reported that the Shelter provided a home for 191 people, including 33 children.

Residents spent 7,992 total nights at the Shelter. During their stay, residents received a total of 39,960 meals and snacks. The full report can be found on the Shelter Facebook Page at

Other items of business were then conducted including Assistant Director Amber Taylor reviewing a new initiative about Youth Homelessness and will be attending a conference to learn more about this growing issue. She also reviewed upcoming fundraisers including the semi-annual soup luncheons and Cardboard City.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 a.m.

From left are Director Denise Stryker, outgoing Board Member Nikki Custis, Outgoing Board Member and President Billie Baker, and incoming President Dan Mayo. left are Director Denise Stryker, outgoing Board Member Nikki Custis, Outgoing Board Member and President Billie Baker, and incoming President Dan Mayo. Courtesy photo
CC Homeless Shelter holds annual meeting

By Clinton County Homeless Shelter

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