Wilmington school district offers summer free lunch program


The Wilmington City School District is offering lunch free of charge to all children, 18 years and under, in the Wilmington community, Monday through Friday, from May 30 through August 11 (excluding July 4). Meal service will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Wilmington Middle School cafeteria. Children do not have to be enrolled in WCS or on free or reduced meals to receive a lunch free of charge. All meals must be consumed on-site and must meet the National School Lunch Program required components.

Each day, four entrees will be offered with fresh fruits and vegetables and two flavors of milk. Summer lunch menus can be found on the district website under the Food Service Department for viewing.

They have also partnered with Girl Scouts of Western Ohio to come on Wednesdays from noon to 1 p.m. to conduct programming for children in kindergarten and older.

Please join everyone this summer to beat the heat and eat some nutritious and delicious food!

For more information, visit www.wilmington.k12.oh.us/departments/food-services.

News Journal

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