Mayor Stanforth has earned our support


Few positions in American governance are as important as mayor. Mayors are responsible for delivery of services on which we depend for existence: clean water, sanitation and public safety. Good mayors do so much more — they are curious, energetic problem solvers who are immune from self-interest. It’s no easy task. There’s no end to the challenges, problems and issues. And the job is often thankless as both candidates can attest.

On May 7, Wilmington voters have a choice about whether to re-elect Mayor John Stanforth. John deserves our support. In three years as our mayor, Stanforth has sought and received public support to stabilize city finances. He has started tackling deferred maintenance on essential public services.

Stanforth stepped up enforcement of property maintenance codes and removal of abandoned homes, too long ignored, protecting neighborhoods, home values and reducing opportunities for criminal activity. Street maintenance and repaving, also neglected for more than a decade, has gained momentum under Stanforth. This year for the first time, city and county governments will together fund a five-year joint cooperative economic development strategy that builds on job creation efforts at the air park and outside the fence. This is progress and points us to a better future.

The other candidate offers no vision for the future just a litany of overwrought complaints, too much focus on himself rather than us, and an unrequited demand to nurse his bruised ego. Turn the page May 7 and vote to re-elect Mayor John Stanforth.

Sam Stratman


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