CVB spending brings results; will council’s?


The Clinton County Visitors Bureau is made up of volunteers from the banking community, college and neighborhood business owners. We are also representatives from other small communities in Clinton County. This group is totally non-political. Now our mayor and Wilmington City Council think they can spend this money promoting Clinton County better than we can.

Let’s look at the facts. The city of Wilmington has already received more than $100,000 from the funds of the Visitors Bureau. What was that money spent on, and how did it promote our community? I’ve heard all kinds of reasons why city council thinks they should spend this money. I was told by one council member that we were not spending the money as well as they would. They implied we were not efficient in the way we handled the money. Does anyone think that Wilmington City Council is an effective, non-political and altruistic group?

It will just be more money down the black hole called the Wilmington city budget.

Bob Heyob

Horsefeathers Farm & Treasurer for the CCCVB


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