Don’t allow fluoride in city water


I feel the City of Wilmington should not add fluoride to our water supply. Among the many reasons are:

1. Fluoride is a known toxin.

2. While regulations only allow trace amounts to be available for ingestion at certain times, data shows that our bodies are only capable of eliminating 50 percent of it while the other 50 percent accumulates within soft and bone tissues over time.

3. Over a lifetime, a body will bioaccumulate levels which are extremely unsafe to a human body.

4. Due to new data and research, many communities are eliminating their fluoridation treatment systems, such as Yellow Springs, Ohio. (Cities with populations under 5,000 are exempt from state law; Wilmington’s population is over 12,000.)

5. New data has influenced most of Europe to eliminate fluoridation treatment systems.

6. Fluoride is consumed daily through many of the products we routinely ingest, such as water, juices, food, toothpaste, and mouth rinse.

7. Wilmington originally voted against fluoridation, thus exempting the city from the state mandate of 1969. If the city goes against the previous vote now, it can’t be reversed unless the state law is changed.

For more pertinent information on water fluoridation, send requests to [email protected].

Lonnie Stuckert

Wilmington City Council Member

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