These are some highlights from the News Journal on November 4, 1964:
‘LBJ Crushes Barry’
“WASHINGTON (AP) — President Johnson rode a massive tidal wave of votes in a smashing victory over Sen. Barry Goldwter and promptly called on all Americans to ‘face the world as one’.”
‘Johnson Carries Clinton County’
“Clinton County’s Republican armor which has always resisted Democratic attack on the national level, cracked Tuesday, yielding to the state and the nation in President Johnson’s landslide election” with an unofficial 6,514 votes to GOP challenger Barry Goldwater’s 6,082.”
‘Hospital Issue Gets Big Okay’
“The voters of Clinton County gave a resounding approval to the 0.43 mill bond issue to expand and remodel Clinton Memorial Hospital. the bond issue will produce $650,000 and federal funds of $325,000 will be added to make it possible to nearly double the hospital’s capacity over its original 64-bed design.”
‘Riley Edges Babb; Fife, Lynch Win’
In Tuesday’s election for state representative, Republican Paul Riley had 5,956 votes to Richard Babb’s 5,806. “Republican incumbent Walter M. Lynch and newcomer William Fife, also Republican, captured county commissioner seats” over Democratic challenger Dale Webb.
‘Wilmington Votes No On Liquor’
Sales of liquor by the glass, local option, failed in two Clinton County elections, one in Wilmington corporation and the other in Vernon Township exclusive of Clarksville.”
• “More than 100 children and high school youngsters showed up at Wilmington College last week to audition for a role in ‘Cinderella’, the Children’s Theatre play to be produced by the college in December. Forty-two were selected for roles” including Janet Raizk, Kathy Kemper, Marci Swindler, Cheri Babb, Maryanne Kemper, Claudia Freed, Cathy Axelrod, Kitty Johnson, Ron Turigliatto, Anne Carr, Glen Brewer, Denice Sprinkle, Thayne Gray, Steven Woody, Bob Bowman and Jeff Swindler.
• Guests Miss Helen McCoy, Mrs. Earl Link and Mrs. Walter E. Schutt were invited to join the Yani Club for luncheon and a program at the residence of Mrs. Howard G. Hudson Tuesday. Mrs. Howard H. Thorne was co-hostess.
• Showing at the Murphy Theatre was “Robin and the 7 Hoods” with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr.