Family fun & graduation wrap Head Start’s year


Clinton County Community Action Head Start staff and kids topped off the end of their school year with plenty of family fun and ceremonies celebrating the children’s accomplishments as they graduated from their respective preschool classrooms.

The Aging Up facility on North Nelson Avenue graciously hosted our individual preschool classrooms as families gathered and the children took the stage to show off what they have been learning. Teachers presented awards to each child for their efforts and unique personality traits that brightened our school family during our year together.

Finally, on our last day of school, the rain held off long enough for our families to visit various stations, creating, experimenting, learning and eating with their teachers.

The day was relaxing and a great way for staff, families and children to spend time together before wishing each other a wonderful summer.

Clinton County Community Action Head Start staff is now beginning the process of preparing for the 2022-2023 school year. If you are interested in enrolling your child for the upcoming year, please call 937-382-5624. photos photos photos photos
CCCCA program holds graduation

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