School season is fast approaching. School supplies are expensive. A parent buying everything on the supply list for each child could easily spend nearly $100. Aside from common items such as pencils, crayons and paper, there are book bags, ear bugs and calculators.
Too many parents cannot afford to purchase needed supplies especially if there are more than one school age child in the family. Additionally, there is clothing to buy as well — it’s a real burden on many families. I heartily applaud the efforts of the volunteers and companies involved with the Clinton County Free School Supplies Program.
The Clinton County Democratic Party for years donated supplies to all elementary schools in the county. In 2001, there were about 30 needy students in the eight county school buildings needing help with supplies. That number is now about 60% to 70% in six school buildings and has outgrown our ability to furnish the needed number of supplies to all schools; so, we have ceased the program.
Our hope is that the program was successful, and that all students received the needed supplies. We hope the program continues for years to come. Thanks for your efforts.
Don Spurling