
Shop local, shop small, shop Wilmington

OK, the wait is over. Now it’s official: The holiday season is upon us.Regardless of the fact that the candy aisle in our local...

Holidays remind us what’s important

I hope everyone in the 91st House District had a fun and healthy Thanksgiving spent with friends and family. For those who, for whatever...

EPA proposes stricter recertifying

Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one! I hope it has been a good time for each of you to spend time with family....

Building foundation for those in need

“As we count our blessing this year, let’s also think about others who have fallen on hard times and be thankful for groups like...

‘Tis better to receive than to give

It’s hardly a blip on the radar anymore. Thanksgiving — you know, that holiday we had yesterday where families once gathered to share a...

Giving thanks: Our character as a nation

“Perhaps no custom reveals our character as a Nation so clearly as our celebration of Thanksgiving Day.” – Ronald Reagan, Thanksgiving Day 1986 Proclamation.This...

Plea agreements don’t always work

As any fan of television crime dramas knows, plea bargains are a frequent part of the criminal justice process. They offer a means to...

Bravery that forged a nation

The name “Pilgrim” doesn’t always convey the true character of those first settlers in Massachusetts.When people hear the word “Pilgrim,” they often think about...


Ethel B. Dennis, born June 26, 1925, passed away peacefully at Oak Lawn Farm Nov. 22, 2015 after a long illness.She was the daughter...

Paris tragedy should prompt action at home

There is no question that the tragedies that took place in Paris last week shook the entire world. It served as yet another reminder...