
A dish towel with that fill ‘er up?

Most of the time I ask Debbie’s opinion before I start writing a column. This morning, I asked her if she had any favorite...

More on the Peelle-Hoskins Park

Since there were major questions remaining from my recent column on the Peelle-Hoskins Park, I concluded it with a request that if anyone could...

Modernizing Ag-LINK to better serve Ohio’s farmers

Calling the current economic situation “complicated” would be an understatement. From 40-year high inflation and skyrocketing energy prices to ongoing supply chain issues and...

Fighting to save Chillicothe VA

When veterans make a commitment to serve our country, we make a commitment to support them upon their return. The Department of Veterans Affairs...

Back home again, returning to writing

“They” (whoever “they” are) say you can never go home again. I disagree! After 38 years of living in central Ohio, I returned to...

Society Pages: From gossip to warblings

Do you remember the “Society Page” of the local paper? This was before the internet, the cell phone, TV, Facebook, e-mail, and other methods...

Peelle-Hoskins was a popular water spot

Not too long ago I wrote an article about the Dover Mineral Springs as a location where a variety of outdoor meetings were held...

All vets deserve VA benefits they earned

Servicemembers put their lives and their health on the line to keep us safe. Even those who come home sometimes face long-term health risks...

After 73 years the Wilmington Drive-In rides into the sunset

The first time I heard him, I stood near the bar in an Irish pub in Cleveland, listening to an elderly Irishman read from...

Winding roads to non-paid claim

Another aberration: In the Clinton County world of Quakerism, I come from a long line of Mennonites — “Mennonite” being an umbrella term like...