Six and Twenty Club members: What they keep


WILMINGTON — On Friday, July 30, the Six and Twenty Club met at the First Christian Church.

Margie McMullen, program leader for the afternoon, referred to the book, “What We Keep” by Bill Shapiro and Naomi Wax. The authors had traveled all over the country and interviewed many people asking them what articles they had kept that had meaning to them and carried a story.

Mrs. McMullen had asked members to bring a favorite item to the meeting and share its story.

There were hand-made articles by family members: a quilt, a hand-made sweater worn as a coat when a child and now worn as a sweater, a wooden jewelry box with hand-made turquoise jewelry, a leather case with a small Bible, a wooden vase, a recipe book, jewelry received for special occasions, a small pencil stub always carried in her father’s overalls pocket, a Pia clown doll that played “Send in the Clowns”, and a well-traveled frog. Each had its own story.

The items shared hold memories of people, of relationships, of places and moments and milestones that speak to their identity and for that reason they are priceless. The monetary value is secondary in most cases.

Mindy Henson was hostess and healthy snack bars were available for a take-home snack.

Starting off the meeting had been called to order by President Beverly Drapalik, and minutes of the previous meeting were read by Sally Buchanan. Kathleen Blake read the historical minutes.

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