Clinton County Junior Fair’s Sale of Champions listings rounded out


In order to give recognition to those who supported the youth at the 2020 Clinton County Junior Fair Sale of Champions, the following information is being provided. The three supporters named below were either not listed in the lists of buyers/supporters published in the News Journal, or were listed incompletely.

The particular youth exhibitor who is being supported, plus the livestock champion, are also identified below.

Exhibitor Carson Barton; Grand Champion Market Steer; supporter Neal Bond Pioneer Seeds

Exhibitor Taylor Barton; Grand Champion Feeder Calf; supporter Neal Bond Pioneer Seeds

Exhibitor Madison Gilbert; Reserve Champion Market Lamb; supporter Judge Chad Carey

Exhibitor Madison Taylor; Grand Champion Meat Roaster Chicken; supporter Judge Chad Carey

Exhibitor Cassidy Bradley; Grand Champion Market Duck; supporters Judge Chad Carey and Neal Bond Pioneer Seeds

Exhibitor Rosie Hall; Grand Champion Market Fryer Rabbit; supporters Judge Chad Carey and County Commissioner Brenda Woods

Exhibitor Jozie Jones; Grand Champion Market Turkey; supporter Neal Bond Pioneer Seeds

Thanks go out to Junior Fair Coordinator Ann Foxworthy for calling attention to this, and for compiling the complete information.

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