Garden club learns composting, sets cruise


Twenty-three members of the Wilmington Garden Club answered the roll call at the July 12 meeting, by naming their favorite garden plant. The club is particularly pleased to welcome a new member, Angel Fuchs.

Peggy Goodwin from Loveland was the guest speaker, presenting a slideshow on composting.

Necessary ingredients are carbon and nitrogen, which can be found in old straw, manure, leaves, shredded newspaper, and vegetable and fruit waste. Composted soil can be created in open areas, “fire” garbage cans, and commercial composters.

Connie Hardie gave a report on Sugar Grove Cemetery. Gardens on each side of the entrance have been weeded. The cemetery, dating back 150 years, is under the direction of Brian Shidaker, Director of Public Services.

Eighteen members have signed up for the B&B Riverboats Cruise Luncheon this coming Friday. Sheets were passed asking for suggestions regarding the 2021-22 programs and tours. Copies of the revised by-laws were also passed.

The next meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. Aug. 9 at the First Christian Church, 120 Columbus St., Wilmington. Guest speaker will be Mickie Marquis on “Growing Old in your Garden.”

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