Genealogy Society picnic at Quaker Knoll Camp


The theme for the Clinton County Genealogical Society’s July 23 picnic was “Carry-In Dishes of Old Family Recipes/Family Favorites with Family Stories.”

The event took place at Quaker Knoll Camp and was attended by 18 members and guests.

Dishes brought included such as “Aunt Helen’s Strawberry Bread”, Grandmother’s molasses cookies”, “Mom and Denny’s Caramel Iced Cake”, peanut banana salad, “pulled pork with Mom’s buns”, “Grandmother’s cherry dessert” and so forth. There was green Jell-O with pears — a tribute to our school teacher mothers of the 1960s who prepared such things on Sundays so that their farmer husbands would have something special for lunch during the week.

The program consisted of telling the family stories and history of the dishes that had been prepared. Some stories went back to at least four generations and to other countries.

Next meeting of CCGS will be at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 27 at the CC History Center. The program will be a slide show of “Leaders of Clinton County Past.”

By Clinton County Genealogy Society

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