Pork Pride 4-H Club meets


The Pork Pride 4-H Club met at Cuba Friends Church on Sunday, Feb. 17 with 31 in attendance. President Jami Dailey called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m., Madison Bronner led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Jami Dailey led us in the 4-H Pledge.

Mikala Hatfield gave the Secretary’s Report and Katie Pittman gave the Treasurer’s Report. Randy Pinkerton went over safety information and dates for 2019 also.

Mikala Hatfield did a demonstration on Winter Jam. David Vires did a demonstration on a drawing that he did for Spanish class at school. Both did a wonderful job.

Fundraiser opportunities were discussed, as well as community service and shirt prices and orders.

Health and Safety Officers were slated to present something at our March 3 meeting at Cuba Friends Church with Greg Achtermann leading the Pledge of Allegiance, Mikala Hatfield leading the 4-H Pledge, Jami Dailey family providing the snacks, and Greg Achtermann and Kiefer Agnew with demonstrations.

The meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.

The group enjoyed wonderful snacks that the Madison Bronner family brought!

By Stanley Chesney

4-H news reporter

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