Reinsmith the right choice for mayor


Larry Reinsmith and I started working together in 1999. I had just been appointed Safety Director for the City of Wilmington. Larry was the Director of Public Services.

While serving as County Commissioner, I relied on Larry Reinsmith to keep me posted on any problems that faced the city. He did his job well. While serving as mayor, I relied on Larry as my director of city services. He unfailingly served the city with commitment and intelligence. His advice was always timely and accurate.

It has been stated, “Stanforth stepped up enforcement of property maintenance codes and removal of abandoned homes, too long ignored, protecting neighborhoods, home values and reducing opportunities for criminal activity. Street maintenance and repaving, also neglected for more than a decade, has gained momentum under Stanforth.”

There is one reason this administration has been able to do more. In 2016, the city residents wisely approved a 0.5% tax increase. Because of that, according to the State Auditor, this administration has $3 million more in annual revenue.

I wish we had had those resources. We did not ignore or neglect anything. We did many good things as we struggled to keep the city budget balanced.

John Stanforth may be a good guy, but we need someone in the mayor’s office who knows how to manage the entire city, manage all city services and work effectively with all city employees and employers.

Larry Reinsmith is the right man for the job.

Randy Riley


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