Respect in headlines


The name “Tim Rudduck” does not belong in a headline and actually, the defendant’s name does not belong in the headline either. Judge Rudduck should be addressed in the article properly as Common Pleas Court Judge John W. “Tim” Rudduck — as was done — but to use his personal nickname in a headline is not proper. Very disappointed to see this. Just because you did not have enough space to put in “Judge Finds Administrator Guilty” does not mean you do not have to work to find a shorter version for a proper headline. Courtroom judges need to be shown respect not only by the general public, the defendants and attorneys, but by the media as well. I urge you to discontinue this practice.

Kathleen Blake

Ward Road

Editor’s Note: The print headline for the Feb. 12 story was “Rudduck finds Friend guilty.”

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