Meadows thinks our part of the world matters


Last week, I listened to a Congressional candidate who is young, energetic and concerned, talk for almost a half an hour about some of the particular issues facing southern Ohio, such as education, economic opportunities benefiting workers and Ohio families and the two sides of Ohio, rural and urban.

Positive things like economic development and educational opportunities and tough things like drug traffic, the need for high-speed internet and unfair gerrymandering. Not once, did I hear anything hateful or name calling.

Her entire message was about finding ways to work together, building communities and what can be achieved when political divides are bridged for the greater good. Much of the 2nd Congressional District is at the northern edge of Appalachia. She knows us because she grew up here. We deserve someone who thinks our part of the world matters a lot. It’s clear Samantha Meadows believes we do, so I’m with her.


Don Spurling

Wilmington, Ohio