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What are Amish ordinations?

Are you familiar with Amish ordinations? An ordination is a service where a new minister, deacon, or bishop is ordained.

A good ending can be stressful

I sighed a slight sigh when I decided what I’ll be telling you about this week. We all like good stories with good endings, right? Well, you know how it is; the time that lapses before a good ending can be stressful.

Saying goodbye to Ohio

We are packing up, it’s time to head back home. I’m excited to go yet I can’t say that there are no mixed feelings to go with it. I will miss ‘our’ little cabin on the hill and the many friends and family in these rolling hills in Knox County. The sunrises beyond the valleys below will remain etched in my heart and mind.

Time in Ohio is passing swiftly

Our time in Ohio is passing on wings. How can days melt so swiftly?

In need of an angelic touch

We rounded the corner and started up the long, winding lane. We had arrived at our destination. The usual six to seven-hour trip to Danville, Ohio, was done in less than six hours. I smiled as the children cheered all the way up to the top of the driveway. Rounding the last corner, we were in full view of the cabin, which would be called home for a couple of weeks.

Memories of stays at the cabin

We are packing up to leave.

An Amish Cook rewind with a special spring recipe

Editor’s Note: This is an “Amish Cook Rewind” taking us to May 2020 when Gloria and her family were preparing for the arrival a baby and she shares a special spring recipe. Gloria will return next week! - Kevin Williams, Editor

Bright and sunny changes

Bright sunny changes. Yes, that’s right.

A day of wonder to be remembered

What a day to be remembered! When I first heard about the eclipse, I pictured something like the one we had seven years ago. As the days came close I thought of the nearby towns flooded with thousands and even millions of people. Though I knew better, I imagined what it would be like, should there have been a mistake and no eclipse would come to capture the attention of spectators across the line of fire.

‘Once we have nothing left but God, we find he’s everything’

I glance back, I see memories.