Six and Twenty Club holds annual business meeting


The Six and Twenty Club held its annual business meeting on Nov. 11 at the First Christian Church. The meeting was called to order by president Cindy Petrich with 19 members in attendance.

The business meeting began with a summary of the 2022 club meetings. Annual reports were given by officers and committee chairs. The club will be celebrating 125 years of existence in October 2023, so much planning is currently under way.

Susan Ertel presided over the election of officers. Patti Cook was elected president for 2023. Judy Johnson will serve as first vice president and Cindy Croswthwaite as second vice president. Mary Ann Raizk was elected secretary with Marsha Wagstaff as assistant secretary. Tanya Day was elected treasurer. Congratulations were given to the new officers.

Petrich thanked her officers and the members for their support throughout the year. She thanked Mrs. Henson for the many hours of work she put into the secretary’s office this year.

December 2 will be the last meeting of the year.

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