WHS names Students of the Month

WILMINGTON — The Wilmington High School Students of the Month for April:

PLTW Engineering is nominating Zack Evans as student of month. Zack is a senior who is taking two engineering courses this year and excelling at both. He works hard and plans to join the Sinclair Festo Mechatronics program after graduation.

I am nominating Caitlyn Davis on behalf of the English Department for SOTM. Not only does she always put 110% effort into everything she does, but she consistently helps others with their writing. She is a leader in Creative Writing and willing to help in whatever way she can. It has been such a joy having her in class and watching her grow as a leader and writer!

Brogan Back is the Social Studies Student of the Month for April. Brogan’s work ethic is unmatched in her class. In fact, when other students come back from being absent, they rely on Brogan’s notes to get caught up. Brogan is always on task and serves as a student leader in the classroom by setting a good example for getting work done well and in timely manner. Brogan’s willingness to help others, along with her commitment to her schoolwork on time every time, make her the Social Studies Student of the Month.

Harley Hines is the Math Department Student of the Month. She is a hardworking and diligent student who is not afraid to accept challenges and takes it upon herself to help classmates who are struggling. Harley is an asset to any classroom she is in.

Chane McCoy is nominated as SOTM for PE. Chane is respectful of his classmates and gives 100% each day.

Annell Prochnow is nominated for Student of the Month. Although only a two-year member of FFA, she’s made a large impact on the Wilmington FFA. She has placed in the state for public speaking last year as well as helped coach the creed speakers this year. Annell has implemented new activities and has been a valuable asset to the program.

Gracie Conger is a leader by example in the Art room. She arrives not only prepared to work, but also ready to give her full attention and focus each day. She shows incredible attention to detail, and is willing to help those around her. Gracie is always positive and kind, and an uplifting presence in her class.

The Choral Department would like to recognize Julia Tolliver as April’s Student of the Month. Julia is a dedicated and talented student in many ways and in many subjects, but one aspect that stands out in choir is her self-sacrifice. Julia seems to always be willing to let another student have the opportunity to take the praise for a particular moment rather than demand that for herself. She is very encouraging of her peers and seeks the best for the entire choir instead of just herself. Way to go, Julia!

Quimbee Lane is the Band Programs April Student of the Month. Quimbee is an active and dedicated member of the program as a member of the Wind Ensemble, Marching Band, Winterguard, and Winter Drumline. Quimbee is highly dedicated to being her best Quimbee has only been playing percussion instruments for three years but performs as one of our strongest musicians

Theatre Department recognizes Rory Housh. Rory served as a member of the stage crew, working specifically with costumes, hair and make-up. For our current production she is the Assistant Stage Manager. She is at every rehearsal, watching the script, assisting actors with lines and making sure actors are in place, ready to go at the start of each performance. She a great member of our theatre team and I can’t wait to see how she will grow in her responsibilities on stage.

The Foreign Language Department would like to recognize Elijah Rockhold as student of the month. Elijah has established a strong work ethic in class. When he’s absent, he’s proactive about asking for missing work and meeting with his teacher to ask questions. He turns in his missing work within a reasonable time. In class, he remains focused and on task. We are very proud of Elijah and the improvement that he has made during the course of the school year. Keep up the good work Elijah!













By Wilmington City Schools