Poems and plants at garden club

The Wilmington Garden Club met on Monday, March 9 as Master Gardner Judy Grosvenor provided an interesting program on Emily Dickinson’s gardening life.

In addition to being a world renowned poet, Emily Dickinson was an avid gardener with considerable knowledge of botany. Many of her poems were shaped by her gardening providing her with the narratives, tropes, and imagery she required.

In her 1,789 poems she refers to plants nearly 600 times and names more than 80 varieties by genus or species.

The Wilmington Garden Club meets the second Monday of each month but is currently suspending meetings due to the COVID-19 virus. If you are interested in finding out more, please call 937-383-1792.

From left are speaker Judy Grosvenor and hostesses Sue Lamke, Diann Nadeau, Linda Compton and Wanda Everman.
https://www.wnewsj.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/22/2020/04/web1_March-WGC.jpgFrom left are speaker Judy Grosvenor and hostesses Sue Lamke, Diann Nadeau, Linda Compton and Wanda Everman. Courtesy photo

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