VFW Auxiliary to honor those who permanently fly US flag: To honor 5 citizens/businesses per month countywide

VFW Post 6710 Auxiliary will begin recognizing five citizens and/or businesses per month, on a countywide basis, for their permanent display of the American flag. We want to recognize you and affirm that we stand with you.

The American flag is a symbol of our republic, created and defended by patriots.

From the early Betsy Ross flag that bears 13 stars representing the original 13 colonies, to the most recognized version today that bears 50 stars for our 50 states, it is well-recognized throughout the world. It waves proud atop government buildings. It flew in space and was mounted on the moon. It is hailed during the Olympics, and honored at ceremonious events. It has been carried in battle and in times of peace.

It is our flag.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Our pledge is an oath that binds us to each other as one people, to seek and uphold liberty and justice for everyone.

Both our flag and Pledge ascend any form of bias, lifting our shared humanness, guaranteeing life, protecting faith, and calling on all citizens to fulfill their shared responsibilities as Americans. It is an unwavering oath to God, Country, Constitution and Freedoms, and simply to our unique American way of life.

That is why the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their Auxiliary groups promote Americanism. Freedom is not guaranteed and education is one way that we can continue to protect it and each other.

Affirming patriotism is another way that we will demonstrate our unity.

May our efforts preserve our history and the America that was, is, and always will be. May our Grand Ole Flag continue to wave “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”


VFW Auxiliary members will be going door-to-door monthly and recognizing citizens and businesses in Clinton County who fly the American flag.
https://www.wnewsj.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/22/2021/01/web1_VFW-Aux.jpgVFW Auxiliary members will be going door-to-door monthly and recognizing citizens and businesses in Clinton County who fly the American flag. Submitted photo
VFW Auxiliary to honor 5 citizens/businesses monthly

Submitted article