15 attend Youth Skeet Day

The Clinton County Farmers and Sportsmen’s Association held its annual Youth Skeet Day camp in June.

Fifteen participants, ranging from ages 12-18, spent three days on the ranges learning the shotgun game of skeet. The camp is financially supported through grant monies provided by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources “Step Outside Grant.” Camp would not be possible without the support of this organization.

The game of skeet consists of eight stations where shooters attempt to hit a moving clay target for a total of 25 clays per round.

Safety is the number one goal of the camp followed by fun and marksmanship. Each day the morning started with safety instruction including reminders about muzzle direction, action open, finger off the trigger until ready to shoot and to wear eye and ear protection.

On day three there is a quick competition involving a scored full round of skeet. The top score determines the “Top Shot” for that group.

Group One, the least experienced group, shot a great round which resulted in a tie followed by a four station shoot-off to determine the winner. Group One’s “Top Shot” after the tie and shoot-off was Jake Schneider with a 15 out of 25,

Group Two was Wesley McCoppin with a 22 out of 25, and Group Three was Madison Frazer with a 21 out of 25.

New this year was the addition of a round of 5-Stand sporting clays.