Brian Mudd Foundation donates to Friends of Clarksville for outdoor activity center


The Brian Mudd Foundation was created to help keep the memory of Brian alive by recognizing and supporting organizations, groups, and individuals throughout the area. The foundation is assisting the Friends of Clarksville’s efforts in renovating and re-purposing the basketball courts as a Community Outdoor Activity Center.

“As a former highly successful basketball coach at Clinton-Massie, we know Brian would be very supportive of these efforts,” said a news release from the Brian Mudd Foundation. “Sports have an incredible ability to bring communities together, fostering a sense of belonging and promoting physical well-being. In this spirit, the Mudd Foundation’s donation stands as a shining example of the foundation’s desire to enhance the quality of life for everyone in the community. This is not just about refurbishing a basketball court, but also about revitalizing a shared space that can positively impact the social fabric of an entire community as the former schoolyard basketball court becomes a vibrant hub of activity once again.”

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