Council on Aging to host vaccination clinics for older adults


Council on Aging (COA) has received funding from the US Aging-led Aging and Disability Vaccination Collaborative to conduct activities that will connect older adults and people with disabilities to COVID-19 and flu vaccines.

As part of the grant, COA has partnered with the Clinton County Health District to host three vaccination clinics for older adults in Clinton County. Seasonal flu and COVID-19 vaccines will be offered at the clinics and those who attend may choose to receive either or both vaccines.

Clinic dates and locations are:

• Monday, Oct. 16, 1-3 p.m.: Westminster Court, 905 Cherry St., Blanchester

• Tuesday, Oct. 17, 1-3 p.m.: Prairie Oaks Village, 360 Prairie Ave., Wilmington

• Thursday, Oct. 19, 1-3 p.m.: Appletree Apartments, 385 Bernard Road, New Vienna

Each clinic will feature Council on Aging information and giveaways and those who attend will be entered into a drawing to win a Kroger gift card. Registration is required by Thursday, Oct. 12. To register, contact Antoinette at Council on Aging at (513) 519-8378.

About Council on Aging

Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio (COA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing quality of life for older adults, people with disabilities, their families and caregivers. COA promotes choice, independence, dignity and well-being through a range of services that help people remain independent for as long as possible.

COA is a state-designated Area Agency on Aging serving Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren counties. One call to COA links people to the wide variety of agencies, information and programs that serve older adults and people with disabilities.

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