Roth provides commissioners with Jan. economic development update


WILMINGTON — In a concise morning meeting Wednesday, Economic Development Director Josh Roth updated the Clinton County Commissioners on key strategic activities and ongoing developments.

Roth initiated the discussion with a December update, acknowledging a slight slowdown during the holiday season but emphasizing continued progress in strategic initiatives.

Among the highlights, Roth mentioned regular meetings with Jobs Ohio and DDC (Dayton Development Coalition), with an upcoming call scheduled with Dayton and the state. Of particular interest were ongoing discussions about development sites at the interstate, with coordination efforts still in progress.

Shifting focus to small businesses, Roth informed the commissioners about the Workforce Collaborative’s two rounds of interviews for their workforce development program position. To Roth’s knowledge, decisions regarding the next steps are pending. Roth also noted increased funding opportunities from the state and highlighted efforts by the Technical Review Committee to proactively strategize approaches to these opportunities in their weekly Wednesday meetings.

Looking ahead, Roth expressed the economic development team’s proactive approach in setting quarterly speakers in advance for the Clinton County Economic Development Quarterly Investors Forum 2024. Commissioner Kerry Steed emphasized the importance of such events, saying, “I like to see the new schedule of events and speakers that are coming in. They can bring valuable information to our elected officials and different agencies across the board. That’s vital to making sure we’re all on the same page, thinking the same things, moving towards a common goal.”

Notably, one of the scheduled guest speakers is Jim Lenner, set for Feb. 20 from 2 to 4 p.m. A founder of Neighborhood Strategies, Lenner is a seasoned professional with a distinguished career in local government and a visionary entrepreneur. Through Neighborhood Strategies, Lenner provides comprehensive consulting services and sustainable solutions to local governments, organizations, and stakeholders seeking to revitalize neighborhoods and tackle complex rural challenges. Lenner’s multidisciplinary approach, combining his educational background, extensive experience, and passion for community development, allows him to offer tailored and effective strategies that drive impactful change, according to Clinton County Port Authority.

The Economic Development team is excited to host three additional speakers throughout the year, each bringing valuable insights to the community. Dr. Bill LaFayette, renowned for his expertise in growth and prosperity, will share his insights on May 21. Additionally, in August, the Port Authority staff looks forward to welcoming Julie Sullivan and Dave Burrow from DDC, whose knowledge and experience promise to bring valuable perspectives to their ongoing community development efforts.

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