The perfect candidate for an important position


Dear Editor,

I support Brian Shidaker for prosecuting attorney. His maturity and experience set him apart as the perfect candidate for this important position.

As chief felony prosecutor, Brian demonstrated exceptional skill in prosecuting criminals, a key responsibility of the office. His proven track record convinces me of his capability to lead with integrity and effectiveness.

Brian has worked with law enforcement and will continue to collaborate with them to make our county as safe as possible. Moreover, his experience as safety/service director for the City of Wilmington equipped him with the necessary skills to manage the civil responsibilities of the office.

Brian’s lifelong dedication to the Republican Party and his leadership role within it make him the prime candidate for Republicans in the upcoming fall election.

The role of prosecuting attorney is not just about prosecuting serious crimes; it is also about ensuring justice. In that vein, the prosecutor represents every citizen of Clinton County. It is my firm belief that Brian possesses the qualities necessary to fulfill this mission with honor and fairness.

I am convinced that Brian is the best choice for the position, and I encourage you to vote for him as the Republican candidate for prosecuting attorney.


Ron Carey

Former Clinton County Prosecuting Attorney

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