Rotary sets four-way speech deadline

WILMINGTON — The Wilmington Rotary Clubs have announced the contest dates for students interested in the local Rotary Four-Way Speech Contest, March 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the McCoy Room at Wilmington College.

Students interested in competing will present their speeches to a committee for review. Following that event, the top three contestants will present their speeches to each club at its regular meeting – to the Wilmington AM Club on Friday, March 18 at 7 a.m. and to the Wilmington Rotary Club on Monday, March 14 at noon.

“We are planning for a larger number of contestants this year and are hoping to draw from the high schools, the vocational school and others for this competition,” said Cindy Camp, event co-chair. “We are trying to make it more convenient for students to participate – we know how busy they are.”

Rotary International adopted the Four-Way Test as a measure for Rotarian interactions at work and in their personal lives. While thinking through “Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?” – The Four-Way Test – anyone can make sure whatever he or she is about to do or add to a conversation is appropriate and helpful.

The Rotary Four-Way Speech Contest is a chance for students to apply the test to their personal lives and experiences while talking about the concepts of leadership and service to others. For years, in a memorized four- to six-minute speech, students have shared how the Four-Way Test applied to their service projects at school or church, or how it helped them become better students academically or how it was true in interactions with siblings and friends.

This local competition is to select a contestant to represent the each Club at Rotary’s District Contest. Held on April 10 at Wright State University, the District Competition brings together the winning contestants from the 52 Rotary Clubs in the 6670 District. Cash prizes are awarded at both the local and the District level.

Complete contest rules are available at the schools or online. Students wishing to enter the local contest should contact the school’s guidance counselors or contact the Rotary Clubs directly: Wilmington Rotary Club, Chair Cindy Camp at 937-725-0264 or [email protected]; or Wilmington AM Rotary Club, Chair Sigrid Solomon at 937-481-2270 or [email protected].

Students to present to clubs March 14, 18

News Journal