Keep going as trails move forward

Members of the Clinton County Trails Coalition recently gathered at the trailhead on the Nelson Road side of the Luther Warren Peace Path, signifying “the end of an end.”

The grand opening of The Elizabeth J. Looney Memorial Trail on September 24 extended the trail system another 3.5 miles from Nelson to Ogden Road, continuing the mission of the coalition to “build trails in Clinton County connected to the network of trails in Southwestern Ohio for the health and recreation of everyone.”

The “ENDS” sign held by Bruce Saunders, chair of the Board, was removed from the trailhead to the Judy Gano Trail on Rombach Avenue, as that trail now connects and continues along Rombach Avenue to Walmart. The signage on the Luther Warren Peace Path will soon be moved to Ogden Road.

The coalition wishes to thank The Clean Ohio Trail Fund and our local funding agencies, HealthFIrst of Clinton County and The Clinton County Legacy Fund for their support in building our community’s trails.

The Clinton County Trails Coalition reminds you to keep going, as they move forward, too. Their goal is to continue the trail from Ogden Road to Clarksville and to eventually connect with the Little Miami Trails system.

For more information, to make a donation, or to see a map of the trails, visit their website at

From left are Dianne Garrett, Jack Garrett, Taylor Stuckert, Roger Barnes, Bruce Saunders, Mandy Martin, Mike Gross, Patrice Harris, Terri Gross, and Pat Harris. Members not pictured are Karen Long, Jeff Linkous, Bob Thobaben and Terri Thobaben. left are Dianne Garrett, Jack Garrett, Taylor Stuckert, Roger Barnes, Bruce Saunders, Mandy Martin, Mike Gross, Patrice Harris, Terri Gross, and Pat Harris. Members not pictured are Karen Long, Jeff Linkous, Bob Thobaben and Terri Thobaben. Submitted photo

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