
Getting well with cut-out cookies

Only last week I remarked to Daniel how blessed I am to not have been sick much these last years, since we were blessed...

The bad news is followed by good

“I have good news and bad news.”If you can imagine Moses giving the same speeches that make up the book of Deuteronomy to a...

Across US, houses of worship struggle to rebuild attendance

When Westminster United Methodist Church in Houston resumed in-person services late last year, after a seven-month halt due to COVID-19, there were Sundays when...

Every Advent ask, ‘Where’s the baby?’

Every year, at this time of the year, we seem to be faced with the same issues. There is always the themes of “Keeping...

Approaching difficulties out of our control

For many, the Christmas season can be not only a time of joy, but it can also being a time of sorrow. It might...

A very minty and apple-y Christmas

These damp chilly days leave us extra thankful for occasional sunshine.I had promised the children I’d help them rake leaves in the woods, making...


To advertise your Christmas season special events, email [email protected] or call Tina Wells at 937-382-2574.• “Back to Bethlehem” interactive experience with sights and sounds...

Filling us with joy and hope

One of the things Mother Teresa was famous for was radiating joy.At first glance. the origin of this joy would seem clear. For anyone...

80 years ago, one Bible went far

Where were you 80 years ago this week? This has been a very special week where we as a nation have “celebrated” the 80th...

Cantabile presents free holiday concert

WILMINGTON — The members of Cantabile invite the community to enjoy the sounds of the season with them this Sunday, Dec. 12 at 7...