
It’s time for a much-needed rest

Resuming our look at the Primeval Stories of the early part of Genesis, (Chapters 1-11), we conclude today by turning to the beginning of...

How do you read the Bible?

In over 40 years of pastoral ministry, one of the questions I most often have asked of me is a question that perhaps you...

Now parenting the parents

In times like these of relative isolation, it’s good for children to know that their parents are there for them.Granted, each generation may occasionally...

Supreme Court says grace ain’t groceries

THE CONVERSATION — The highest court in the land has given states some leeway in determining when and how to safely reopen places of...

What sort of ambassador are you?

I don’t know about you, but as the news has unraveled these past couple of weeks, my heart has been engulfed in sadness.What is...


Free dinner at Blan’s Grace UMCGrace United Methodist Church in Blanchester will host a free dinner for the community from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday, June...

It’s a time for reminders

Many ancient cultures have flood stories of divine retribution. With all the rain we had this spring, daily flash flood warnings from my Weather...

Are you distressing, depressing, or resting?

One of the by-products of COVID-19 is a strong desire to hope for something better that will occur somewhere else. How many times have...

A time for understanding

Another retired minister and I were asked by our winter church in Alabama to lead a Bible study for some other “snowbirds.”We settled on...

Pandemics, pandemonium and answers

What we have experienced over the weekend has left me with profound sadness and few words. What has been simmering for some time now...