
The only real Valentine you need

This week we celebrate that holiday of holidays (ask any florist!) – Valentine’s Day!This is the holiday when every guy worth his salt will...

NFL team’s deep Catholic ties behind role in abuse crisis

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Why would an NFL team, even one called the Saints, strike a behind-the-scenes alliance with the Roman Catholic Church on...


Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper Faith Lutheran Church invites you to their Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper 4:30-7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 25.In the summer of 2018,...

Are you ‘fit’? Listen to the Lord

This year, for the first time in what seems like an eternity, I watched the Super Bowl. But this year, as in the past...

Anyone up for some fishing?

I once heard about a young fellow, a kindergartner, who loves school! He enjoys the teacher, and he loves the friends he is meeting...

Death doesn’t get the final say

I usually like to write about life, but death has been on my mind lately. I hate death because it has taken away some...

Students won’t forget his lessons

Fr. Raymond Kammerer was born in 1938, ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati in May 1964, and entered eternal life on January...

Rotarians focus on Climate Survival

WILMINGTON — Cincinnati Rotarian and award-winning journalist and public health planner Ariel Miller — newsletter editor for the international Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group...

Becoming a person of one book

Some time ago, I heard about a best-selling book becoming a major motion picture with one of Hollywood’s Oscar-winning icons playing the leading role.That...

His grace is sufficient for me

I don’t have it all together. I wish I could tell you that I did.As the director of a successful non-profit with a graduate...