
His love follows you everywhere

It was hardly the environment you’d expect to see a Catholic priest in. Freezing mud clung to his boots as he finished Mass on...

Surviving? Or sitting and staring?

Ever feel confused about what to do in life? Ever not know what direction to turn? Have you ever come to the point in...

Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church

Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church is at 160 N. South St. at the corner of North South and Columbus Streets in downtown Wilmington. For more...

A super power is in all of us

Simon Peter — The Rock as his friends called him — was Jesus’ first-round pick to be the leader of the church.He was not...

Wisdom teeth and wise guys

In the two-and-a-half years that my bride and I have lived in Florida, the one area medically in which we have experienced the greatest...

Wilmington Baptist Temple

Wilmington Baptist Temple “is an independent assembly of born again baptized believers who have covenanted together for the purpose of glorifying God through doing...

Day of Prayer observance planned

WILMINGTON — A National Day of Prayer observance will be held on Thursday, May 2 from noon to 12:20 p.m. at the rotunda of...

‘Playing with the Big Boys, Part Two’ Sunday

The second concert of the 2018-19 season of Concerts in a Country Church, the concert series presented by St. Colman Catholic Church — “Playing...

Transformed into a new identity

Have you ever had a week where you just felt … hopeless? Like, you wonder how will I ever get it all done? How...

The victory is already won

One of the things I personally enjoy the most about our life in Florida is not the weather, but rather the continued opportunity to...