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Remember to not forget … something

“Remember, Ann, this is a family newspaper.”“Remember, Ann, I am the doctor and you are the nurse.”“Remember, Ann, you are the one who wanted...

Ladies, your life is worth saving

September was National Gynecological Awareness Month, and October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I want to share my story.I am a survivor!I have...

Springing headlong into ‘false fall’

Southwestern Ohio is more than familiar with a “false spring” when in mid-February, a warm spell causes everything to bud, only to be frozen...

Protecting Social Security from politicians’ attacks

Everything we do ought to come back to the Dignity of Work – the idea that hard work should pay off for everyone, no...

The local Oakland settlement: Part 2

Last month I began the story of the settlement of Oakland as told by Mr. John Harlan, who came from North Carolina.Today we read...

Covering, and becoming, local news

On August 31, 2022, Clinton County changed.It was deeply personal. It wasn’t a shooting, some public figure resigning from office, a scandal, or a...

We’re all set for a ‘return trip’

I’ve been writing about the trip my wife, Robyn, and I took to Maui in June. Visiting our 50th state had been on our...

Supporting law enforcement, rebuilding trust with communities

We have seen too many tragedies in Ohio and around the country that have broken the trust between law enforcement and the communities they...

Take time to rest, just as God did

Ever had a bad vacation? I haven’t. To me, “bad” in reference to vacation is an oxymoron.The last couple Fridays I’ve shared about our...

Owens deserves more recognition

Part 2 of a two-part series.A part of this story that I feel is too often forgotten is the experience of James “Jesse” Cleveland...