Throwback Wednesday: Clarksville hoops


These are some highlights from the News Journal on November 26, 1879:

In 1879 most of Page 1 was filled with entertaining/humorous stories, advertisements and railway schedules.

• “Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder and Special Flavoring Extracts: Eminent Chemists and Physicians certify that these goods are from adulteration, richer, more effective, produce better results than any others. Dr. Price’s Unique Perfumes are the gems of all odors; Toothene is an agreeable, healthful liquid dentifrice; Extract Jamaica Ginger, from the pure root.”

• “A New Drug Store! Having completed my New Room, I desire to inform my friends and the public generally that I have opened a NEW DRUGSTORE on South Street, one door south of Main Street. A complete stock of drugs, notions and fancy goods, at bottom prices.”

• “FITS cured promptly and permanently. I send a bottle of my celebrated remedy with a valuable treatise on this disease, free to all sufferers who send me their post office and express address. Dr. H.G. Root, No. 183 Pearl St., New York.”

• “Try D.B. Mory Jrs. Celebrated Horse and Cattle Powders.”

• “William Cohn makes the nicest fitting snit in town. If you don’t believe it, try him.”

• “Cigar Manufactory. Isaac Bing respectfully informs the citizens of Wilmington and Clinton County that he is manufacturing and has constantly on hand Choice Brands of Cigars, Tobacco & Snuff.”

• “Notice to the Ladies of Wilmington! Those wishing curls, switches, braids, etc. will do well to call on the undersigned who is an experienced hair dresser. Residence, East Main Street, opposite the Pierce Hotel. Mrs. M. Guy.”

• Coming up at City Hall: “Wilmington Lecture Association presents Helen Potter’s Pleiades, acknowledged the most talented artists ever assembled in one combination. The combination consists of Miss Helen Potter, whose dramatic genius, as shown in her incomparable impersonations, has made her a universal favorite everywhere; Anna Teresa Berger, the great Cornet Solo Virtuoso; The Swedish Ladies Vocal Quartette; Mons. Felix Regamey, the Famous French Artist and Caricaturist; and Fritz Schmeiser, the Star of the Swedish Male Quartette.”

• Panhandle Pennsylvania Railroad; Going West: Dresden June, Zanesville, Lancaster, Circleville, Washington, Wilmington, Morrow and Cincinnati.

• Scioto Valley Railway. Commencing Monday, Oct. 27, 1879, trains will run as follows: GOING SOUTH: East Line — Leaves Columbus 9:20 a.m.; arrive Circleville 10:40, Chillicothe 11:40, Waverly 12:42, Portsmouth 2:10. Connections: At Columbus, with Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway, for Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and New York. County Historical Society

News Journal

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