He brings us redemption and salvation


As we anticipate the warmer days of spring, the ups and downs of our weather causes many to be anxious for the warmer days of spring, and better yet the hot days of summer.

If you remember this you are telling your age — the Heinz ketchup commercial, the focus being that as the bottle is tipped down and we wait for or anticipate the ketchup being spread on that hot dog or hamburger “Anticipation …”

The coming of spring and the celebration of Easter brings to Christians the anticipation of all that this time of year has to offer. The focus on Christ and what he has done for us on that eventful day means so much to us.

Mankind was in a desperate place, needing a Savior to save us from power, penalty, and presence of sin.

From the time of Adam and Eve and their sin in the garden, mankind was in need of redemption.

One of the aspects of redemption is the buying back. The idea that God himself would buy us back and purchase us for himself is truly amazing. The Holy God of the universe still sees something in us worthy of being connected to him.

I know each year that Easter comes there is a new appreciation for this time. The gospel message of his death, burial and resurrection should mean more to us as time goes by.

Matthew 1:21: “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus ‘for he will save his people from their sins’.”

Just the name Jesus gives us a glimpse into what Jesus is all about — salvation in Him and Him alone. There is assurance from Him “He will” — a definite fact for anyone who believes in Him.

The simplicity of the gospel message — a belief in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ — is truly good news for everyone. To know God has given us a means of knowing how to be saved from the power, penalty, and presence of sin means much to those who have received his gift of salvation.

The loving, gracious, and merciful God of the universe loves us so much and wants to connect with everyone who will make themselves available to Him. Matthew 1:23: “Behold the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).

This part of the message of God should encourage us that the awesome God of the universe came from heaven to dwell among us.

We can anticipate each season of Easter with joy and excitement knowing that God the Father loves us by sending his son to redeem us.

The focus of Easter or Resurrection Sunday is all about our risen savior. You may have heard the expression “Jesus is the reason for the season” usually expressed at Christmas, but the same can be said during this Easter celebration: “He is the reason for this season as well.”

My hope for you is that you attend a local church that will proclaim the joy and hope of what Easter is all about.

Have a Joyful Resurrection Day! Byron McGee is Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Wilmington.


Byron McGee

Contributing columnist

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