Local elderly deserve our support


The Clinton County Elderly Services Program (ESP) supports local elders by providing home-delivered meals, home care assistance, transportation, adult day care, and emergency response systems. The typical client is a woman in her 80s, living alone on a modest income. Due to declining health and mobility, she is unable to perform activities such as housework, driving, bathing, preparing food, or managing medications. She needs help, but not nursing home care.

ESP helps working families keep mom and dad at home. It helps long-married spouses care for each other and stay together. And for seniors who have no family nearby to help them, it improves quality of life. It costs an average $273 per month to help a senior on the Elderly Services Program.

The levy is a renewal of the 2012 levy, so your taxes will not increase. The cost to homeowners is $37.67 per $100,000 of auditor property value. The Clinton County levy provides about 88 percent of the funding for ESP, with additional funds coming from federal and state sources, client donations, and co-payments.

In 2010 nearly 20 percent of our county population was over 60. By 2020, this is projected to increase to over 25 percent (http://www.ohio-population.org). Clinton County ESP makes it possible each year for nearly 450 seniors to remain in their homes with independence and dignity. Please support the Elderly Services Program for the older adults of today and for those who will need it in the future.

Sarah Boehle, Ph.D.


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