Fictional fluoride story, then true one


This is a fictional story to make a point: I tried without success to contact a friend in another state. When I received no response I became concerned and discovered that he was in the hospital with chronic fluoride disease. This situation worried me so I checked the town’s water report and noted that folks there were being exposed to high levels of toxic and poisonous fluoride. Who was responsible for contaminating the village’s water supply? It wasn’t some commie dumping toxins into the water — it was ole Ma Nature. The report also indicates that trace amounts of lead and copper were found in the water.

True story: My worries were not calmed when I discovered that my Wilmington water also contained the toxin as well as another poison, chlorine. Sabina has a natural occurring fluoride level of 1.46 parts per million (PPM); Wilmington has a natural occurring fluoride level of 0.24 PPM (the optimum level of 0.7 PPM is planned.) The optimum level is 48 percent below Sabina’s level.

Paul Hunter


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