Sabina, New Vienna libraries set summer reading programs


The Sabina Public Library and New Vienna Branch will be offering their Summer Reading Program “Imagine Your Story” in June and July.

Reading is a vital skill and a gateway to success in life. The library has worked to provide a motivational framework for reading to continue despite our current circumstances.

The summer program is open to readers of all ages. You can register online at or complete a paper form picked up at the library during their curbside service hours.

The library is partnering with the Engaged Patrons organization to allow information to be collected securely and to be able to randomly select registered participants for prizes each week this summer. The site allows readers to see suggested book titles to read that are recommended by library staff and local readers.

An online tracker allows a reader to track the number of minutes read and earn virtual badges as incentives. You must be registered for a chance to earn prizes this summer, although you are not required to use this site to track your reading.

Join the library community every Friday evening for a special family friendly show.

Can’t make the live online show? Videos will be available for viewing for a limited time after the show airs.

The Family Fun Friday series will kickoff on June 5 at 7 p.m. with “Dragons: Return of the Ice Sorceress”, a fun fantasy adventure with dry ice effects presented by Science Tellers.

Two weeks later, Jester Jim will dazzle the audience with his juggling act on June 19 at 6:30 p.m.

Additional scheduled shows will include magic acts, music performances, and science demonstrations. Also be sure to watch for special appearances by the library’s dragon and unicorn summer reading mascots.

The library will offer weekly summer reading packets to children who participate.

Each packet will contain at least one craft and activity sheet based on a weekly theme. The starter packet will be available for pickup at the library starting June 1st. It contains a reading tracker, stickers, a bookmark, a notepad, and more.

Summer reading participants are encouraged to share photos with the library of family summer reading experiences this year. Photos can be submitted by email to the library director at [email protected] Happy Reading!

Curbside pickup will begin at the Sabina Public Library and New Vienna Branch on Tuesday, May 19 with limited hours each week.

Please check the library website and Facebook page for the most current days and times as the library moves into a phased reopening. photos photos photos

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