Student wins debate competition


A local homeschooled teenager won first place in the last NCFCA qualifier of the season April 8-10.

Mercy Persing, together with her partner Samson Scheie of West Chester, tried their first time partnering and came out on top over six other teams.

This qualifies them to compete together in the Regional Competition. NCFCA — the National Christian Forensics and Communication Association — exists to help students across the nation develop their communication skills. Thousands of high schoolers come together for competitive debate and speech during the January through April season. NCFCA offers three types of debate and nine speech categories.

Mercy is the daughter of Joe and Michelle Persing and resides in Martinsville.

Mercy Persing, right, of Martinsville, with her debate partner, Samson Scheie. Persing, right, of Martinsville, with her debate partner, Samson Scheie. Submitted photo

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