The Clinton County Fur and Feather 4-H Club met at 7 p.m. May 26 in the rabbit barn.
Emily Goodwin called the meeting to order. Jace Doyle read minutes from last meeting. Katie Hinkle led the 4-H Pledge and Daniel Hinkle led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Gracie Goodwin and Katie Hinkle did safety reports and Leah Perry and Phillip Greenwood gave health reports.
Advisor Michael Cook talked about 4-H camp updates and Advisor Bella Cook gave Cloverbud updates. Advisor Kevin Bogan talked about show entries.
Catherine Greenwood demonstrated her Angora rabbits. The club also practiced skillathon and showmanship. The meeting was adjourned by Jace Doyle and Rosie Hall seconded.
Next meeting is at 7 p.m. June 9 in the rabbit barn. Make sure you bring rabbits for the fun show.