Where’s the ‘thank you’?


If you find an item of significant value somewhere in Wilmington and you take it to the police department dispatch and ask that it be returned to its rightful owner, don’t expect to get any help if you’d like to be thanked for the good deed that you’ve done.

I found a wallet in the yard of a Wilmington business. It contained $41 in cash, the owner’s driver’s license, and various credit cards. When I gave it to the woman at the police department dispatch office, she didn’t bother to ask me for my name or phone number, so I volunteered the information to her myself.

After inquiring later at the police department, I was informed that the wallet had indeed been returned to its owner. That was some time ago, and I still haven’t received a thank-you call. I’m beginning to wonder if maybe I should have just pocketed the cash and thrown everything else away.

Pete Kieffer


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