Valentine’s Day program presented to Wilmington Garden Club


Joni Palmer from Alma’s Attic was the guest speaker at the Feb. 13 meeting of the Wilmington Garden Club held at First Christian Church. Her subject, decorating for Valentine’s Day, was timely.

Valentine’s Day originated as a feast day in the early Christian Church to celebrate the martyrdom of a St. Valentine. Today it is a commercial celebration of romance and love and a major source of economic activity. If someone thinks otherwise, check the price of roses at Kroger. Palmer presented a slideshow of Valentine decorated antique silver, milk glass, depression glass, china, and even old and new canning jars. Except for the new canning jars, all can be found at Alma’s Attic.

The meeting was called to order by vice president Joan Hinman. Both the secretary and treasurer reports were approved as read. There were no committee reports.

The club agreed to again partially underwrite the cost of horticultural trophies at the Ohio State Fair this summer. The OAGC Spring Regional Meeting will be held April 12 at St. Augustine Catholic Church, 5715 Lytle Rd. Waynesville. Participants are encouraged to show off their container daffodils, following the OAGC handbook guidelines.

Bob Iiams will give the morning program, “Creating Design in a Collectors Garden.” The afternoon programs are Erwin Shaw, Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources, “Butterflies, Pollinators, and Native Plants,” and “Breaking the Ice of Website Design” by Lisa Gooding. The cost is $25/person. Reservations are due by March 31.

It was agreed that the hostesses for each meeting would find a greeter to open the First Christian front door. A brief outline of the April 10 Fashion Show was presented. A meeting for the show will be scheduled the beginning of March.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be March 13 at 1 p.m. at First Christian. Hostesses are Pat Gilbert and Dian Nadeau. Judy Grosvernor will present a program on Container Gardening.

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