Rotary Club learns about Aid to Infrastructure


Katherine Harrison, of Aid to Infrastructure (ATI), recently spoke to the Wilmington Rotary Club, which meets at noon on Tuesdays at the conference center of Clinton Memorial Hospital about Aid to Infrastructure.

Harrison gave the history of Aid To Infrastructure: it was founded in 2014 and is located in southern Haiti, at 3,500 feet, on a mountain top. Contact person in Haiti is Samuel. He is known as the mayor.

ATI has helped with non-corrupted water, latrines, teachers, nurses, and buildings. It offers ag support for goats and rabbits; and lunches and vitamin programs for children.

Harrison said the language spoken is Creole and it is currently too dangerous to travel to Haiti; US dollar to Haitian money conversion is now one to 132.

The organization’s budget covers the school lunch program, monthly expenses, and medicines. Total is $60,000 per year. Approximately 150 children are served. When giving, why not give to ATI?

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