An invitation to journey back to church


I’d like to extend an invitation for you to join me on a journey back to church this year. There’s something special about the God-ordained gathering of Christ’s followers that offers unique spiritual practices and I want you to enjoy those experiences in 2024. Reflecting on the last day of 2023, I shared with my wife my resolution to kickstart my mornings: wake up early, exercise, pray, and study, allocating 20 minutes to each activity. I told my wife, “This is the year I get fit and get smart.” She said, “You better make it a three-year plan.” Yikes, I might have more ground to cover than I initially thought.

I make resolutions when I sense a void in my life or aspire to accomplish something new. Perhaps you’re experiencing something similar. Maybe you’re feeling a lack of purpose, or peace in your life. Maybe you’re missing out on the joy you expect, or you feel something essential is absent from your happiness. It could be a longing for a deeper connection with God that you’ve yet to experience, or a desire for a dependable community of peers. Church is a gift from God specifically for you. Church can alleviate guilt, squash shame, revive joy, and provide peace. It’s designed to address your needs by helping you draw closer to God and closer to others.

Let me propose an additional New Year’s Resolution for you to consider. Admittedly, I’ve already fallen short of my own New Year’s resolution, and we’re only a week into 2024! But I say, let’s grant ourselves forgiveness for that spur of the moment new gym membership we’re not going to use and let’s reset. Remember, the pursuit of what’s best for ourselves isn’t confined to the first few days of January—it’s a daily journey, and we can start today. With that in mind, may I suggest considering a resolution to reconnect with God through a local church? Allow me to extend an invitation for you to return, or start participating in church.

I’m not merely extending an invitation for you to attend church or fulfill a perceived obligation; rather, I’m inviting you to actively engage in the abundant gifts that God gives through church participation. When God commanded some of the earliest Christians with the words, “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good deeds; and let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing…,” He was emphasizing the significance of the Church. Coming together with fellow followers of Jesus, worshipping God, and receiving encouragement to do good deeds—these describe some of the precious gifts that God encourages us to pursue within the context of the church and is part of the essence of what the church is meant to embody.

Throughout the next three clergy articles, I aim to inspire you towards active participation in Sunday Church services, because within the gathering of God’s people, four distinct spiritual experiences unfold within Church life. Luke, the author of Acts, meticulously records the actions of the very first Jesus followers: “Those who accepted [Peter’s message about Jesus Christ] were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to the fellowship, and to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers.” (Acts 2:41-42) These pivotal elements highlight the rich spiritual experiences that flourish within healthy churches. They also serve as an invitation to partake in the profound gifts awaiting those who engage within the Church community.

I’d like to assist you in discovering a nearby church. Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected], and I’ll gladly help you find a church where you can learn and actively contribute. Wilmington offers several welcoming churches eager to embrace newcomers like you. These gatherings offer not just a place to attend but an opportunity to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ, embracing the peace, joy, and sense of community that only He provides. If you’re in search of a church to attend this Sunday, drop me an email, and I’ll help you connect with one.

Dale McCamish is the pastor of Wilmington Church of Christ.

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