WPD interim police chief: ‘Unlawful activities will not be tolerated’ in city


WILMINGTON — Interim Wilmington Police Chief Bob Wilson announced Wednesday a new “decisive effort to ensure the safety and prosperity” of the city, according to a release from Mayor Pat Haley.

The measure is aimed to reduce crime and foster “a secure environment for all Wilmington residents,” according to the release. The new zero-tolerance policy went into effect immediately — meaning any “criminal activity, regardless of its nature or scale” will be met with decisive legal action, officials said.

“Our paramount duty is to protect our citizens and their rights,” said Wilson. “We want to send a clear and unambiguous message to all: unlawful activities will not be tolerated in Wilmington.”

According to the release, the zero-tolerance policy is more than just “a stern warning against crime.” It is described as a “comprehensive strategy that includes enhancing law enforcement presence, increasing community engagement, and implementing proactive measures to deter potential criminal activities.”

In addition to this, Haley advised that authorities will also focus on addressing the root causes of crime through community education and fostering a culture of responsibility and respect for the law.

“We believe in the potential of our city and its people,” Wilson said. “This policy is an essential step towards realizing a vision of Wilmington as a safe, thriving, and resilient community that upholds the highest standards of law and order.”

Haley claims in the release the police initiative will be a “collective victory” for the city and advises locals to “support this initiative and cooperate with law enforcement officers in their duties.”

Reach John Hamilton at 937-382-2574

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